My Christmas Love Letter To You…
Hey Special Soul,
I see you there, doing your best and putting one foot in front of the other to get by. I want to know that there are no right or wrongs just now, no should’s or must’s or have to’s. There is just right here and right now and whatever you are feeling is valid and important.
I want you to know that you are not alone… in your grief, in your sadness, in your loneliness, the reality is that there are many others feeling your pain and sorrow right now. Christmas can be the most difficult time of year under any circumstances but this year in particular, with the added isolation and anxiety of COVID there are many people struggling.
My heart is with you; the ones that have lost someone they love, that can’t be with friends and family, that can’t afford to buy presents or even food. The ones that have had to face so many extra challenges this year whether that be from mental health, physical health, financial loss, isolation and trauma wounds that are being triggered.
I also want you to know that it is ok to feel joyful, to feel grateful and to feel excitement. It’s ok to feel all the ‘and’s’; happy and sad, brave yet afraid, empty and fulfilled, it is ok to feel lost and alone whilst still being surrounded by your loved ones. It is all welcome.
At this time of year when connection seems to be more important than ever I ask you to stay connected to yourself if nothing else. To know you are loveable, you are worthy, you are a survivor.
Be gentle with your heart and allow whatever is surfacing to be acknowledged and held without judgement. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions see this as an invitation to go inwards and to give yourself the love and attention that you need and have perhaps always needed.
And if things start to get really dark, don’t fight that, just turn on the light… let go, and take a deep breath into the goodness that you inherently are.
From the bottom of my soul I am sending you all love and strength for today, tomorrow and what is to come. My phone is on, my inbox is open and my heart is here to receive you. Please reach out if you are struggling, I am here, I am with you… I have got you.