Do you recognise any of the following…
Feeling unfulfilled or that life is lacking meaning and purpose
Being trapped in unhelpful patterns, behaviors or toxic relationships
Struggling to emotionally regulate despite previous therapy or coaching
Unable to set boundaries and stop abandoning yourself to ensure everyone else is ok
Experiencing shame or self-criticism when you don’t live up to your own or other people’s expectations
Afraid of making changes even though you know your current situation isn’t serving you
Unsure of where to start on your journey of healing and transformation
Confused about your reactions and responses to life's experiences
Feeling like you’re yet to achieve your potential
Encountering limiting beliefs about yourself and the world around you that seem to hold you back
Despite all the self-care and affirmations you still don’t feel good about yourself
You have all the trappings that ‘show’ a successful life, but still live with a sense of emptiness
How about this instead…
Knowing what you truly want in life and having a plan of how to get there
Replacing your current punishing survival strategies with one’s that feel nourishing
Having resources to work with your nervous system and physiology to enable self-regulation
No guilt around saying no and taking care of yourself
Having the information you need around sleep, nutrition and exercise to make the healthiest choices for you
Accepting yourself fully as you are, right here, right now
Walking yourself through fear and challenges with kindness and courage
Understanding how your past is creating your current reality and seeing yourself through a new lens of compassion
Feeling empowered and ready to step into the fullness of life
Having an internal and external sense of safety
Being connected to yourself and embodying self-belief
Fully experiencing the evolution of your soul by tapping into your own innate wisdom
The role of a Wellbeing Coach
I am by your side as a guide and cheerleader. I will work with you to empower yourself to make choices that not only help you achieve and maintain your life goals, but go beyond the realms of just surviving and and into to a life that is meaningful, fulfilling, and truly aligned to your authenticity.
Armed with knowledge, resources and years of personal experience I will help you do whatever it takes to live a life free from the confinement of whatever shackles have been holding you back and into help you step into connection, joy and your truest self expression.
I can’t promise it will be easy but I can promise it will be worth it!
A Medicine Woman’s Prayer
I will not rescue you,
For you are not powerless.
I will not fix you,
For you are not broken.
I will not heal you,
For I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness
As you remember your light.